You can’t forget your breath at home

By Vivier123 /

Our kids classes in Langebaan are back! We had a great class this Thursday. We learned about belly breathing, deep inhalations using your whole diaphragm and pushing out your belly and with the out breath push all the air out again. It is a great way to relax and calm yourself down where ever you… Read More »You can’t forget your breath at home

Kids Mindfulness Classes (in class) re-starting in October

By Vivier123 /

In person classes starting again from October! Join us for kids or adults classes in small groups taking into account social distancing and COVID regulations. Contact us on for bookings.

I Love Play Dough

By Vivier123 /

I love using playdough in the kids mindfulness classes. It’s such a great and natural way to stay connected with your senses. Touch it, mould it, shape it, smell it…and while doing this I ask the kids how does it feel (cold? Moist? Dry?) What thoughts come up? The kids love it too – even… Read More »I Love Play Dough

Bubble Fun

By Vivier123 /

Bubble blowing fun! Kids loved this end of the term activity. A great way to get them to connect and be mindful their breath. Bit of soap and  food colouring, dipped our papers in it, resulting in all kids of beautiful patterns. After our visualisation, we took some time to see all the shapes and… Read More »Bubble Fun

Dino yoga for busy boys

By Vivier123 /
Boys Dino Yoga

Dino yoga, a great mindful movement class. Fun and engaging for those busy young boys. Tristan my eldest, made up this yoga sequence. He is crazy about dinosaurs. Together we developed the poses. From dino egg till fully grown stumping, raw-ing Trex. For each pose I asked the kids to feel what they felt in… Read More »Dino yoga for busy boys