Benefits of Mindfulness

Mindfulness, through recognising your habitual thinking patterns and other ingrained behaviours, can play a significant part in the improvement of your psychological and physical well-being. More and more scientific research has proven that mindfulness can help with reducing the amount of stress people live with.


Mindfulness can help to develop emotional understanding of oneself and others and interpersonal awareness, cognitive functioning, a focused concentration as well as body awareness and coordination. Mindfulness is not tied to any religion and can be practised by anyone regardless of age, gender, race or social background.


There have been many scientific studies showing the effectiveness of mindfulness, which show the benefits being:

  • increased calm
  • decreased stress and anxiety
  • increased self-awareness
  • increased empathy 
  • natural conflict resolution skills
  • responding to difficult emotions
  • experience improved impulse control
  • better able to focus and concentrate

Any child can benefit from mindfulness, but it has been proven to be effective for children with anxiety, learning problems, ADHD, other attention disorders and depression.

As children grow up, they are learning about how physical exercise is important to stay healthy. However their mental state – the psychological well- being is often overlooked. We believe these two should be taught together and that mental fitness is equally important in present day conditions, to prepare the next generation to be agile, flexible and compassionate people.

"If every 8-year-old in the world is taught meditation, we will eliminate violence from the world within one generation. - Dalai Lama"

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